
Our story begins with the aspiration of making life a little less complicated. There’s so many products out there — way more than necessary. So we came up with the idea of creating product lines that make life simpler. Ideally, we want to create functional, space-saving and aesthetically charming products.

For starters we had charcuteries and cheese board sets, bread slicers, and cutting boards. To our surprise, people love them and us! So here we are, striving to come up with ideas to bring more products that make lives easier.

Product Design Principle

We just want to stay true to what we stand for. When designing our products, we want them to be straightforward, no-fuss, no drama and as little impact to the planet as possible.

For example, the idea behind our Bamboo Bread Slicer is to make the next best thing next to sliced bread (pun intended!). People are different. One may want a thicker slice and the other prefers almost paper thin bread cuts. So we created these bread slicers that get the perfect slice according to one’s preference. Since we’re a little bit of neat freaks ourselves, we added a crumb tray to the feature and made the slicer foldable and compact in size.

Plans Moving Forward

Casavala continues to create products for everyone who wants to make their lives a little less complicated. Something amazing is about to happen as we add new product lines in our catalogs courtesy of our beloved customers’ request. If you too, have a product request in mind or an idea that can help us improve our product designs, contact us because we would definitely love to hear it!